Facebook and ExpertOption – all comments and reviews with questions from traders
We uploaded some video that show you official page of expertoption.com on Facebook.
Oficial review of ExpertOption FB page
We made photo of official broker page in the net and uploaded it to our website to show you how it looks to be sure that its correct broker.
Numbers and actual info about ExpertOption on facebook
Latest updates from expertoptions. You can see here amount of people who exactly likes EO page. Follow amount also big for finance page. In about folder you can see contact phone number, url to the broker, category and working hours.
Latest news on FB
We can congratulate ExpertOption with 5000000 real accounts. Its really huge amount of traders that show Expertoption rating.
Payment comment from FB
Somebody ask in Faceook how he or she can pay directly to broker to start trade.
Withdrawal question on FB
Traders very often ask brokers about withdrawal and it absolutely normally to ask this type of questions.
Activation ExpertOption account on facebook
Trader from Philippines ask about possibility of deposits from his country and activation.
Trading and Bonus?
How to withdraw money if you want take bonus? If you take bonus you need reach some turnover to be able withdraw your funds. This way we recommend don’t take bonus.
Trade from location
Some brokers block some countries and don’t allow traders to trade.
Minimum amount for deposit?
Traders asked what the minimum amount for deposit on the ExpertOption.com
Trading volume on ExpertOption
Most popular question is what is trading volume of top traders. We spoke to most of them and can tell that it 100m-200m.
Best trading deals
Real profit from the top traders on ExpertOption platform. You can see on the screen that traders posted on the Facebook.com page.
Withdraw question
Newbie traders usually ask this questions about withdraw. If you have questions about withdraw you need contact to support.
Traders deals
Screenshot with traders deals on the facebook page shows how traders opened deals. This history shows successfully trading the one of the top trader who earned during this year about $12.000.000
Facebook is most popular social network in the world and we would like provide you with most honest comments about broker ExpertOption.com that can help you decide how much you want invest to this platform and keep in mind some numbers about ExpertOption during your trading history.